Soapbox Special!! Philly Fringe 🥳 🫵

You’re celebrating! You!!!

Staff picker Lena Engelstein is shouting out three shows in the New York City of Pennsylvania, so we are highlighting them here in an ephemerally-instantiated adaptation of the staff picks format. You’ll never seen this again. Until you will.

Catholic Guilt: Kelly McCaughan

I bet you're like me and didn't go to Edinburgh's fringe festival this year. Instead, you followed your friends as they somehow did a show every night of August on haggis alone. I saw that this show made the best newcomer shortlist and heard that it was "brave, moving, and slutty." Now it's in Philly for you to see while you eat a cheesesteak.


non-binary pussy: Anh Vo and Kristel Baldoz

Is wanting to see a dance based on the title the same as judging a book by its cover? I haven't seen this show so I will put the description as written on the website here: Part music, part dance, part propaganda, the work delivers explicit political and sexual language that is rooted in Marxist rhetoric and black female rap history. I mean... did you see that coming? What I can attest to is that Anh Vo has been pushing at the edges of dance work for years and we are better for it.


Das Sofortvergnügen (THE INSTANT PLEASURE)

It's Philly's month: Philly Fringe and Cannonball are happening in Sept and this show can be how you kick that off. This show is a delightful, irreverent joy-scroll about insatiable desire straddling dance and theater in that rythmic-gymnast flexible way so dear to me. Travis and Cosimo are a pleasure to watch as they do dirty things like fuck up the serenity prayer.


Show Response: Bonefruit


Show Response: Radio Man