Soapbox Special! Two festivals happening in October our staff want you to know about

This month, there are two exciting theater and performance festivals taking place in the city, and here at Staff Picks we just can’t stop talking about them. We’ve already highlighted a few shows from both these lineups in the past two Weekly Picks, so a rogue and errant editor thought it would be nice to do a feature on what’s especially piquing us.


The Breaking The Binary Theatre Festival
L Morgan Lee, George Strus
3 Dollar Bill; The Public's Shiva Theater
October 23rd - October 29th 2023

B2B's star is rising, as it should be: its shows are written by and for trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit+ artists; their events build community in ways exemplary and organic; and their second annual festival showcases seven new plays — all entirely FREE. Go support, friends.

Staffer: Billy McEntee


Prelude Festival 2023
Artists listed below
Segal Theater
October 7th - October 28th 2023

I'm too busy this week to individually do justice to the whole PRELUDE line-up, so I'm collecting here for you the shows and panels I'm going to see this upcoming week (or would if I could), which is not the exclusive "what to see" list...just what I happen to know as a dancer-admiring(envying)-theater girl. And again it's all FREE! Can you even believe that...what are you waiting for?? Gorge yourself on shows!

AND! I got a preview of the festival vibes this Saturday at Radiohole's kickoff variety night. It was electric: my catch all description for a night that feels like theater and dance are alive and well with a pulse, an edge, and well-endowed with a hot and cool community.

Weds: Will Eno, Lisa Fagan + Marianne Rendón + Lena Engelstein (me) (bias)
Thurs: James La Bella, Richard Maxwell + The New York City Player, Sauda Aziza Jackson & April Sweeny
Fri: Nature Theater of Oaklahoma, ERS
Sat: Wooster Group, Ahn Vo

Staffer: Lena Engelstein


Staff Picks’ Picker’s End-o-Year Lists


Show Response: Bonefruit