Staff Picks No. 34

Existentialism: Talking Band, Anne Bogart
La MaMa
February 23rd - March 10th 2024

In "The Following Evening," Ellen Maddow and Paul Zimet's exploration of a life well spent in theater, and how routine conversations, for a married theatermaker couple, are all a rehearsal for the next performance piece, opened me up to the beauty of invisible dramaturgy. This piece, directed by thee Anne Bogart, seems to fit in a similar camp. Go, go, go.

Staffer: Billy McEntee

Dweller V: Embaci, A Space for Sound, Suzi Analog & more
Various Venues
February 20h - February 25h 2024

A tightly-curated radical-minded rebuttal to the gentrification and white colonization of dance music, the Dweller fest is also such a jam. Feb 20-25, is totally stacked with live performance, DJs, and parties at venues across Brooklyn and Queens celebrating Black artists innovating electronic music. In particular, I’m looking forward to Embaci at Public Records (Feb 22), A Space for Sound also at Public Records (Feb 23), and Suzi Analogue at Nowadays (Feb 24). Come through!

Staffer: Joshua Dumas

Remember This Trick: David Herskovits, Director & Sound Design; Featuring Danny Bryck, Zoë Geltman, Yehuda L. Hyman, Sarah Suzuki, and Mari Vial-Golden; Barbara Samuels, Lighting & Scenic Design; Beth Goldenberg, Costume Design; Jesse Freedman, Sound Demon
Target Margin Theater
February 17th - March 17th 2024

I have seen every Target Margin show since 2004 and there is no stopping me now! It is a real gift to be welcomed in, year after year, experiment after experiment, by David and all of the Target Margin collaborators. I reallllly love it when they create a new work and this is one of those moments. Oooooh also! I think I have a new idea for my Staff Picks... 3 things that made me say - YES I WANT TO GO TO THIS!

1) There's a magician character
2) Esther rules as a subject
3) Zoë Geltman is in it

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

introjective exhibition (nhập xuất nhập xuất): Anh Vo
Center for Performance Research
Every Monday through March 25th 2024

Anh's performances are a mix of bewilderment and delight with incredible dancing and sometimes hilarious text. I'm really curious to see what they're exploring here with the Kleinian psychoanalytic concept of "projective identification" and Vietnamese shamanistic possession rituals.

Staffer: Travis Amiel


Staff Picks No. 35


Staff Picks No. 33