Staff Picks No. 1

BOARDWALK BIZARRE: A Coney Island Drag Retrospective: Nancy Nogood, Zenon Teavee

If you know me, there is nothing I love more than the Side Show at Coney Island AND dragggggggggg. When Nancy NoGood told me she was going to be at Coney Island a few times this summer, I said - Finally! My dreams are coming true!

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

Odyssey 1: Telemachus at Home: Joseph Magnus

I have not attended one of Joseph Magnus' park or in-home shows, but this is the first book of Homer's "Odyssey" performed in Ancient Greek for audiences of three. I've been told shows in English are less clear, so color me intrigued.

Staffer: Billy McEntee

this house is not a home: Nile Harris

I’ll be going to this to see the bounce castle, Crackhead Barney, and hear some responses to its question: will the revolution have 501c3 status?

Staffer: Travis Amiel

The Dastardly Thornes vs. The Town of Goldhaven: Ben Holbrook, Nate Wieda, Benjamin Viertel

Listen. It is a western. It has bean jokes. It has songs that will live in my soul long after my body dies. What else could you want?! Oh a total dreamy teamy behind it all? Ben Holbrook, Nate Weida and Ben Viertel. Done and done.

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

The Sitayana (or “How to Make an Exit”): Kendra Jain, Sarah Shin, Lavina Jadhwani

C'mon - a rethink of the Hindu epic with a focus on the female characters? And it's a one person show with the main actress switching roles? Of course I fucking wanna see that.

Staffer: Kanishk Pandey

CHEAT: Chloe Radcliffe

Staff Picks for me will often come from hot tips. Shows that people tell me about and, despite my busy schedule, I am like - hell yes I will go see that. Like this show! I just want a little spicy treat!

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

Hilary Gao

Hillary Gao has been brewing and stewing and is now ready to SERVE this project. I am excited to see how it loops and folds and winds, knowing that I will not know how I will feel as it happens until it is happening (or maybe years and years later).

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

How to Make a Revolution Without Causing Offense or Arousing Resentment: Kim Golding, Jordan Jones, Sam Myers

This staged workshop is FREE! A marketing associate at a major museum is struggling to be understood. And also the museum needs to respond to the current moment! And also, somewhere deep in the mailroom closet, a group of revolutionary zine-makers are plotting to take down the museum...

Staffer: Billy McEntee


Staff Picks No. 2