Staff Picks No. 37

Grief Hotel: Liza Birkenmeier, Tara Ahmadinejad
The Public Theater
March 20th - April 20th 2024

One of my favorite shows from last year, "Grief Hotel" is a clever, piercing, and sad look at grief. It's wonky in the way life, and death, are wonky. I wrote about my love for this show in The Brooklyn Rail, so I won't go on and on here, but this is definitely a (now Obie Award-winning!!) play to see.

Staffer: Billy McEntee

One Whale's Tale's Private Party: Ellpetha Tsivicos and Camilo Quiroz-Vázquez
We Are Here
March 20th - March 22nd 2024

I love parties. I love parties that are shows. I love shows that are parties. I love snacks and drinks and celebration and spicy takes and cool locations. So, I am definitely going to Private Party because it is ALL of those things and so much more.

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

Making Practice Moves: Evvie Allison, Charles Gowin, Jade Manns, Kalliope Piersol
March 21st - March 22nd 2024

Repetitively, I have never seen Evvie's work but this work has a STACKED CAST. This is NOT the description of the piece but based on the dancers I would describe it like this: Three technique queens with piercing personalities aka "stage-stealers" perform to the death in this sure-to-be technical and virtuosic dance piece.

Staffer: Lena Engelstein

Antidote for Isolation: New Experimental Films: Fernando Vieira and Title:Point
Tuesday, March 19th 2024

This is one of those fun opportunities to share work in a new space! Come check it out if you have not been to DCTV, like experimental films, like sorta creepy black and white films, are into hypnosis... or just wanna hang out with the filmmakers for an evening!

Staffer: Theresa Buchheister

KMRU + Nyokabi Kariũki
Public Records
Wednesday, March 20th 2024

Joseph Kamaru, a brilliant Nairobi and Berlin-based sound artist and composer says: “The more we listen, the more we hear.” It’s a seemingly simple sentiment that holds profound depth and valuable instruction. Kamaru, who performs as KMRU, makes sounds that embody this mantra, that encourage open-eared attention. They are time-dilating drifting ambient evocations, intimate and vast, spells in a moonlight. I am so stoked for his upcoming show at Public Records, a venue invested in listening, that draws an audience of listeners. Nyokabi Kariũki opens. Come through!

Staffer: Joshua Dumas

I am, here; Here with us; Where we find ourselves: Stacy Matthew Spence, Tim Bendernagel, Joanna Kotze, Hsiao-jou Tang, singer/musician Charlotte Jacobs, percussionist Raf Vertessen, and costumer Athena Kokoronis
March 21st - March 23rd 2024

I have never seen Stacy's work but the cast is stacked with movers who are simply a pleasure to behold and, knowing that, I have an unfounded belief about the work which is that one should go to this show if they are interested in putting a beautiful thing into their eyes. I'll be there on Thursday.

Staffer: Lena Engelstein

metamorphosis 2: Stacy Grossfield, Alexandra Albrecht, Tuva H., Nola Sporn Smith.
Chocolate Factory
March 20th - March 30th 2024

A little from the website: "The sequel to metamorphosis Stacy Grossfield’s new dance/theater work is a blunt, graphic, macabre and vulnerable dissection of female pain, both physical and spiritual; centering the female body as a site for personal and artistic rebirth."

I liked the poster of Nola crouched and growling. Very cinematic. Nola is a special performer and a wild dancer. And I love a sequel... hello! I mean... no one liked Dune but everyone's obsessed with Dune 2... seeing little Timmy move mountains... Anyway... yea.

Staffer: Lena Engelstein

Untitled (Witch) 2: Untitled Queen
C’Mon Everybody
Friday, March 15th 2024

Brooklyn Drag’s crown Art Star hosts the sequel to this fall’s “Untitled Witch”- but then again, isn’t every Untitled show an invitation to fall under her spell? The bill includes legends like Lucy Balls and Patti Spliff alongside newer grls like Klondyke (recently incendiarily good in Taylor Mac’s “Bark of Millions”). Every show of hers is an invitation to join the coven, don’t miss your chance...

Staffer: Eric Shethar


Staff Picks No. 38


Staff Picks No. 36