Staff Picks No. 54
ENO: Brian Eno, Gary Hustwit
Film Forum
July 12th - July 25th 2024
(Paired pick this week; please see listing for Psychic Temple at TV Eye)
Walking out of Gary Hustwit’s doc “Helvetica” was such an uncanny experience, the whole cityscape reframed in typography. And so I’m intrigued to see his new film about pioneering experimental musician Brian Eno. Brian Eno is arguably, primarily, a conceptual artist. Hustwit’s doc leans into this; semi-generative custom software produces a different movie for every screening, shifting sequences and scenes seen. And then those versions are never screened again! Folks that have gone twice, report substantive differences. Come through! A few times!?
Staffer: Joshua Dumas
Fun and Dumb Improv Festival: over 600 artists involved!
Brooklyn Comedy Collective
July 11th - July 14th 2024
After having a blast at this festival in 2023, I eagerly sorted through the shows which start at 7pm on Thursday and end Sunday at 11pm, simultaneously happening on three stages. Friday and Saturday nights the performances go until 4AM! LOVE THIS!!! These are SOME of the shows that jumped out to me and why:
Improvised Animation - Saturday at 11AM - A new cartoon created before your very eyes, I am CURIOUS
Improvvisare - Saturday at 1:45PM - Classically trained singers about gesamtkunstWERRRKK!
Jukebox: Improvised Karaoke - Saturday at 5:30PM - Original lyrics set to karaoke tracks sounds incredible
Tech-Prov - Saturday at 2:45AM - Theater technicians improvising with their equipment, I want to see this
¡ESCÁNDALO! - Sunday at 12:30 - telenovelas live on stage, fun!
99 Cent Pizza - Sunday at 2PM - A Black cast re-imagines white TV sitcoms, will definitely be great
Shitzprobe - Sunday at 9PM, proper musical comedy improv...always impressive to me
Staffer: Travis Amiel
Psychic Temple: Psychic Temple, Chris Schlarb, Brian Eno
TV Eye
Tuesday, July16th 2024
(Paired pick this week; please see listing for ENO at Film Forum)
One of my very favorite longform drifters of the past couple years is Psychic Temple’s re-imagining of Brian Eno’s “Music For Airports 1/1.” This live-in-the-studio recording is all vibes, a dozen wildly talented musicians listening and exploring the possibilities of the limited materials in Eno’s genre-defining ambient original. Trumpets and guitars take the lead line, organ and drums and wurli and bass refigure the drone. Jazz odyssey y’all! Give it a spin! And then check the band live, on tour from LA, playing TV Eye on July 16. Come through!
Staffer: Joshua Dumas
Disaster Theater: CAROL
The Brick Theater
July 18th - August 3rd 2024
Disaster Theater by CAROL is just the nasty, delicious performance explosion I want most in the swelter of the summer. Especially since The Brick is niiiiiice and cold. We can enter into a new reality together. I got to experience a snippet of Disaster Theater as part of ?!:New Works and was immediately like - THAT! THAT is what I want and need.
There are many chances to check it out, but as we allllllll know, the final weekend will sell out so please get your asses to oepning weekend!!!
ALSO - For all the Title:Point nerds out there, Jim Ford is in this show!
Directed by Skye Fort and Mike Steele
Script and Sound by Mike Steele
Video and Additional Text by Skye Fort
Performed by Jim Ford, Tony Jenkins, Susan Myburgh, Nora Lise Ulrey, and Mike Steele
Scenic Design by Charlie Manion
Assistant Scenic Designer Charlie Liz Ensz
Scenic Fabrication Assistant Steph Vargas
Lighting Design by Shelly Rodriguez
Costume Design by Sara Vandenheuvel
Integrated Media Advisor Zoey Crow
Stage Manager Oziel Jimenez Santos
Jo Wiegandt, Production Manager
Ashley Malafronte, Producer
Graphic Design by Skye Fort
Staffer: Theresa Buchheister